A 100th Post Party – with awards and everything!

This is my 100th post on Snoozing on the Sofa. It has been a lot of fun and a lot of work. The work part makes me think that maybe this is an accomplishment of some sort. Maybe, it’s an accomplishment that should be celebrated.

Therefore: Yay!

Okay, now that the celebrating is done.

This milestone reminds me that as a blogger, I am part of a blogging community. I have not been the most diligent member of my community.

Fellow bloggers have nominated me for blog awards three times. These nominations do not culminate in formal ceremonies. Rather, they are the way bloggers recognize the work of fellow bloggers that they enjoy. It’s a way to tell another blogger that you really appreciate the work they are doing.

These nominations come with responsibilities. With some minor variation, the recipient is supposed to:

  1.  recognize the blogger who made the nomination
  2.  reveal some facts about themselves
  3.  nominate some other blogs that they admire

I have been very bad at handling these responsibilities. The following doesn’t completely make up for the shirking of my duties, but I hope it makes some difference.

These are the blogs who have nominated Snoozing on the Sofa:

Sandy’s Spotlight nominated my blog for the Irresistibly Sweet Blog Award. Sandy’s Spotlight features reviews of books and author interviews. It’s a great spot for finding new authors, and Sandy is just about the most generous person you’ll ever meet.

Sweet blog

Ned’s Blog nominated my blog for the Liebster Award. Ned’s Blog reminds me of The Onion, except that it’s all written by one guy, Ned. He’s one funny dude.


Rafferty’s Rules nominated my blog for the Versatile Blogger Award. Rafferty’s Rules offers a collection of well-written pieces on a wide variety of topics.


Here are some facts about me (whether you want to know them or not):

  1. I am an introvert. Extroverts usually don’t understand my social awkwardness. I don’t know what other introverts think about it; we seldom speak.
  2. Although I have never been to Pittsburgh, I am a big Steelers and Penguins fan. When I used to follow baseball, I was a Pirates fan as well.
  3. I have five unpublished novels floating around on various hard drives.
  4. My favorite Confederate general is Daniel Harvey Hill. I don’t have a favorite Union general, which is odd, because I always root for the North in my Civil War reading.
  5. I love both Mark Twain and Charles Dickens, which I’ve been told you’re not supposed to be able to do.
  6. I don’t like to fly, but I’m not about to walk to Italy.
  7. My favorite spirituous drink is scotch and my favorite clear tape brand is Scotch; I’m nothing if not consistent.
  8. I once drove to Graceland to leave a bottle of Bourbon on Elvis’s grave. I’m not sure if Elvis liked bourbon, but I bet at least one of the groundskeepers does.
  9. It took me more than an hour to compose this list.
General D.H. Hill

Daniel Harvey Hill. He probably would have hated my Yankee guts.

For these three awards, I am supposed to nominate a total of about 35 other blogs. I don’t know 35 other blogs or bloggers well enough to make that many nominations. (See number 1 in the above list.) Instead, I’m going to nominate 10 blogs that are worthy of all the aforementioned awards. I hope everyone will check them out.

I happily nominate:

year-struck – It’s like a primer for those who love the English language.

Listful Thinking – Restores my faith in the next generation’s ability to write and execute satire.

South of the Straight – Travel, art, raising teenagers: all sorts of stuff I need lessons in.

Bug Bytes – As a father of little boys, I like reading this comical perspective of a mother of little girls.

Traci Carver– The life and times of a school teacher in the southern U.S. They can make a pie out of anything.

Papa Angst! – The trials and tribulations of an at-home dad.

Chronicles of Dad – A fortyish father who is also a Pittsburgh Steelers fan. Coincidence?

Dirty Rotten Parenting – Hey, all parents take shortcuts once in a while.

don of all trades – His taste in beer is suspect, but he still writes some funny stuff about family life.

UNDEAD DAD – Some eloquent pieces about fatherhood and being a writer.

Thanks to the bloggers who have nominated Snoozing on the Sofa. And thanks to all the bloggers who supply me with entertaining reading. And to all the folks who come here regularly to read a little, and hopefully grab a smile, thanks for putting the fun into these 100 posts. I hope to see you all again to celebrate the next 100.

10 comments on “A 100th Post Party – with awards and everything!

  1. Why thank you, sir, I am honored! Of course, now I have to face the guilt of feeling like I must do something similar for those who’ve nominated me and come to terms with the fact that I’ve turned into a vagina when it comes to beer drinking. I swear I still enjoy Schlafly every chance I get, but Oatmeal Stout was how Ace was conceived, and after G$, I’m leery!!! Thanks again, love the blog!

    • You don’t have to do anything (except maybe you should consider trading up from the Bud Light w/ lime – the only good thing about that is the lime). Don’t let the guilt get in the way of your next great blog post. I’d feel horrible if that happened. Well . . . I’d feel a little bad . . . kinda.

  2. LOL – Another great laugh to start the day out! Just one thing, though – THE PIRATES? You have got to be kidding me? I’m crushed (not as much as the Milwaukee sausage, but crushed just the same). I thought you were a Tigers fan?!?!

    Thanks for the great tips on the blogs. I’ll be checking them out!

    • Seriously? Are you going to let this irrational hatred of the Pirates fester because one player lost his cool and tackled a giant Italian sausage? Next time there’s a giant sausage lurking around your neighborhood, you try and just sit still and let it rampage all it wants. 😉
      Please do check out the blogs mentioned. They are good ones.

  3. Papa Angst says:

    Thank you very much. I’m honored by the award—your blog is fantastic—and to be in such great company. I just found some great blogs to follow and read. All the best, Papa A.

  4. yearstricken says:

    Scott, you are one of my favorite reads. I thank you for the new blogs you’ve introduced me to, my husband does not thank you. We only see one another occasionally as it is.

    • The feeling is mutual. Whenever I click on one of your links, I know it will be time well spent. I don’t know what you should do about your husband. From what I am told, husbands are nothing but trouble anyway.

  5. foxholedad says:

    Steeler fans are nothing if not loyal. The 70’s Steelers are a pretty good blueprint for fatherhood. Check out Fatherhood Lessons from the Steel Curtain on my blog.

    Thanks for the nomination. I also find it hard to participate as part of a blogging community. Although it would probably be easier if I was actually trying…

    • I will certainly check out your Steel Curtain post. Can you give me the direct link? Sometimes it’s hard enough to keep up with the community going on under your own roof. Everybody has to deal with the communities beyond that in their own way and hope it’s good enough.

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